ESEH conference activities with Laponia Adventures
Stora Sjöfallet National Park and Saltoluokta Mountain Lodge – 2days
Stora Sjöfallet National Park was inaugurated in 1909 to protect what ones was the biggest waterfall in Europe. Then decisions were mad that would affect the local people, the landscape and the visitors forever. Just outside the National Park you’ll find Saltoluokta Mountain Lodge, a through gem, away from roads and located right by the foot of the mountain.
– Date 1: Aug 16-17
– Date 2: Aug 24-25
– Start and finish in Gällivare, Swedish Lapland
Hiking the Padjelanta trail – 6days
The Padjelanta trail takes you across Padjelanta National Park, “the higher land”. The rolling landscape is still summer grazing area and summer settlement for several Sami communities. Our hike takes us across the mountains hiking from hut-to-hut where we stop for the night.
– Date: Aug 11-16
– Start and finish in Jokkmokk, Swedish Lapland
This tour requires some hiking experience and level of fitness. Please read more on the link below.
(Please note that this tour is open for participants outside the ESEH Conference. ESEH participants get a 10% discount. Please send us an email when placing your booking and we reduce your price manually.)
Questions about our hikes?
Please send us an email to
We are happy to help and will answer you as soon as we can.